
Sunday, November 29, 2009

weekend home style: country living

I just happened on The Selby this morning and this home caught me up in the wonderfulness of their upstate NY country home. They have a big barn that he uses as a studio and another barn for guests to sleep in/ party area in addition to their main house.

did I mention they have a fenced veg garden?

main house

guest barn

I love all the wood everywhere, it reminds me of my childhood

fresh herbs!

I think this is my idea of my perfect life

lovely (real) wood flooring

massive fireplace

stairs up to the bedroom

I like the bookcases as headboard idea- better grabbing distance.

nice, big, open kitchen with lots of counter space

big enough to make pickles from your own cucumbers from your own garden!

I think I am about to die from envy of the perfect house.

1 comment:

cj said...

Reminds me of a more rustic Windy Hill.

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