
Saturday, October 24, 2009

bird feeders

We have 3 bird feeders in our back garden. The garden is frequented by many local animals, including a very fat pigeon, an acrobatic squirrel, a skittish cat, and a variety of little birds (such as blue tits).

All of this means that the bird seed gets eaten very quickly.

it's fun to spot the wildlife in the mornings now

but we need to rig a new contraption to deter this adaptable squirrel.
(look at those little feet!)

Breakfast biscuit sandwiches have been requested for breakfast so time to eat!

1 comment:

cj said...

We used to fit a metal cone over the top. It was just slopped enough that the squirrels couldn't get their bodies around it. Of course they got clever enough to bang the feeder around so that the seed spilled onto the ground for them.

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