
Sunday, October 4, 2009

weekend home style: flying planes; and a mug

I have a confession, I think the main reason why I like this house is that there is a plane careening through the living room.

I do like all the wood (you know by now that I love myself some rustic country cottage feeling), and the random blankets thrown everywhere.

And the cream/blue/brown colour palette.

But I can't get enough of that plane.

I love how all the china matches and is displayed in the open.

For me this is not practical as I buy dishes sporadically, which means that altogether the dishes fall in the same theme, but do not create the same flow. Also, I knock things over like it's my job, so having all the plates in the open, albeit pretty, is not practical.

oh nice cozy throws, how I love thee.

I like the random glasses in the window and how the light plays through them.

And one last photo for the random house with a plane.
Why not add a random jewish star and hanging chairs into the mix?

Now for a completely different topic:
Yesterday I got a new mug

It is distressed purple and reminds me of the expensive ones at Toast and I like it very much.


cj said...

I remember seeing a mug like this somewhere when we were shopping - was that the toast one?
Shakers used to hang their chairs on the wall when they were not having a meeting.

cj said...


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