
Sunday, May 16, 2010


I went to visit my friends Matt and Vicky yesterday and got to be the first visitor to see their three new chickens as well! We went to a handy city farm nearby to pick up some Limestone Flour (to mix with their food for calcium), Layers Mash (their favourite food), and some chicken tonic to keep them healthy. We then went back to let them out of their run and into the garden, and it was a blast running around after them and figuring out their personalities.

The white one is a purebred named Margo, and Vicky is thinking of naming the black one Poppy or Penny.

Margo in their eggloo extended run. They got their eggloo off ebay and picked it up from a couple in Essex.

They got their chickens from a chicken farm in Essex as well that has loads of different species and hybrids. Although Margo is a purebred (and the first one to lay 2 little eggs!), the other two are hybrids. Margo has already asserted herself as the dominant hen.

The black one is the shyest and doesn't make much noise, whereas the red one lets you pet her and goes around mumbling under her breath all the time :)


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